<P><a href="http://www.deshaus.com/atelierdeshaus.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.deshaus.com/atelierdeshaus.htm</A></P>
<P><IMG src="http://www.deshaus.com/projects/hzzj/hzzj000s.jpg" border=0></P>
<IMG src="http://www.deshaus.com/projects/hzzj/hzzj001s.jpg" border=0>
<P> 这是远离杭州市区的滨江新区内的开发地块,从一片农田到即将崛起的百米高楼,正是中国经济快速发展中城市化过程的缩影。"建设国际化大都市"作为市政府关于城市发展战略的一句响亮口号也昭示着这些大规模建设的全球化背景。</P>
<P><IMG src="http://www.deshaus.com/projects/hzzj/hzzj002s.jpg" border=0>
紧邻钱塘江的位置特点使这一地块充满着诱惑力,观赏江对岸五云山和六合塔的视点非常好,规划布局和居住单元的设计就此展开。这一前提使得该居住区的规划结构必须是开放的、外向的,这也使得这一小区和拥挤的城市中心居住区有所不同。然而高达3.6的容积率也是设计中无法回避的巨大规模,最终五幢具有同样高度、不同体量的高楼在阳光、绿地、视觉景观和地块的城市脉络间取得平衡。两个走向的线性布局既带来更多的江景居住单元,也带来了富有动感的区内及城市空间。 </P>
<P><IMG src="http://www.deshaus.com/projects/hzzj/hzzj003s.jpg" border=0>
<P> The p<IMG src="http://www.deshaus.com/projects/hzzj/hzzj004s.jpg" border=0>lot locates in a new district near the Qiantang River in Hangzhou,far away from the downtown area.Development from a paddy field to skyscrapers one hundred meter high symbolizes the urbaniz ation process undergoing in most Chinese cities as a result of rapid economic growth. Advocated by the municipal government,to be an international metropolis reveals the background of globalization for the massive wave of construction.</P>
This is a charming site closely near the Qiantang River,offering views across the water towards the Wuyun Mountain and the Liuhe Pagoda. The general organization and the design of the apartments are based on the vistas. So the site planning of this project should be open and extrovert,quiet different from the congestion of those residential areas in the central part of the city.At the same time,the high Far of this project required by the client is 3.6, and it also can't be neglected. As a result,five high-rises are designed in same height and different volume to fulfill the enormous building area, balancing in sunlight, green space, landscape and the overall structure of the plot in the urban texture. With the linear arrangement in two directions, more residential units can enjoy the vista of the river and active spaces are created for the very district as well as the city area around. </P>
The architectural form indicates explicitly the confusion brought directly by the massive capacity required. Dense dwelling units compose an even fa?ade with many volumes bulging out from the surface to show the developer's great interest in the capacity. Dwelling types are carefully designed to promote the living qualities. The southern sunlight, the northern landscape, open exterior space and scattering service facilities can all effectively counterbalance the awful density of residences.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-18 23:41:36编辑过]