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发表于 2006-1-19 12:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-19 12:56 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-19 13:08 | 显示全部楼层
<P  align=center><B><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>口译考点中的金融词汇<p></p></FONT></FONT></B></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>anticipated acceptance提前支付的承兑汇票acceptance A formal indication by a debtor of willingness to pay a time draft or bill of exchange. 承兑,认付或汇票<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>bank [banker's] acceptance银行承兑(票据)blank acceptance    不记名承兑票据<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>blanket acceptance   全部接收blanket  Applying to or covering all conditions or instances:总括的或一揽子的:a blanket insurance policy.<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>clear acceptance    无条件承兑, 单纯承兑Free from qualification or limitation; absolute:绝对的:无需限制条件或界限的;绝对的:a clear winner.得到全胜的赢家<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>actuals  n.现货an actual account of the accident.事故的真实报道<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>adulteration  n.掺假;假货,次品adulterate[a`dultereit]vt.掺杂a.掺假的, 通奸的<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>a`ffiliate  n.附属公司;联营公司To adopt or accept as a member, su`bordinate associate, or branch.接纳,隶属affiliated herself with a new law firm.成为雇员<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>aftermarket n.后继市场; 贩卖修理用零件的市场`alie`nation n. 疏远,转让.精神错乱Alcoholism often leads to the alienation of family and friends.酗酒导致The act of transferring property or title  to another. <B >alie`nee</B> n.受让人One to whom or to which ownership of property is transferred.   `alienate使或变得孤僻或反应迟钝The numbing labor tended to alienate workers.枯燥的工作可以使工人变得麻木<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>allocation n.拨款;分配The assignment of any  resource  alms [a:mz] n.救济金;捐款Money or goods given as charity to the poor.<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>amendment n.The act of changing for the better; improvement:改进;The 19th Amendment to the Constitution gave women the right to vote.修正案赋予选举权<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>annuity n.年金; The annual payment of an allowance or income. 养老金,年金保险投资An investment on which one receives fixed payments for a lifetime or for a specified number of years. application n.请求A request, as for assistance, employment, or admission to a school.;应用.实用性Ge`ometry has practical application in aviation and navigation.几何学在航空和航海中有其实用性<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体><B >`arbitrage</B> n. 仲裁,套汇The purchase of securities on one market for immediate resale on another market in order to profit from a price <B >dis`crepancy.</B><p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>arbitrage of exchange 多角套汇   外汇套购, 套汇业务a`rrear n. 欠款arrears of work该完而未完的工作arrears of rent拖欠的房租arrestment n.财产扣押,扣留   , 逮捕<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>assessment n.评估;The act of assessing; appraisal. 被估定的金额,如税额<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>An amount assessed, as for taxation.   assessor n. An official who evaluates property for taxation.估价员An assistant to a judge or `magistrate, usually selected for special knowledge in a particular area.   辅佐人,助理法官assistantship n.(大学)研究生奖学金(该研究生同时为 assistant)associate editor[美]副主编associate judge陪审法官auditing n.查帐, 审计, 审核avail n.效益;营业收入Use, benefit, or advantage:用处、好处或优势:<B >labored to no avail.劳苦却无所得  without avail 无效</B>awardee :The recipient of an award.受奖者awarder  n.授奖者bail [beil] n.保释金;保释;保释人 v.保释(与out 连用)  bail a person out   保释出某人    ballooning n.股票上涨;非法操纵价格 bargain n. <B >买卖合约</B>;便宜货Something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer.    barter n.物物交换,以货易货,实物交易 bearer cheque 不记名支票              bearish a.(行情)看跌的,卖空的beneficiary n.受益人    bidder n.出价人,报价人;投标binder n.<B >临时契约</B>;装订工payment or written statement making an agreement legally binding until the completion of a formal contract, especially an insurance contract.<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>Blank note n.空白支票   bubble  n.高风险投资;泡;水泡     bulk-cheap n.薄利多销 bull-bear n.多头空头    bullish a.股票行情看涨的;物价上涨的 <p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>by-business n 副业,兼职   by-law n.公司章程;细则,附则(by-表示“次要的, 附带的”之义) by-product副产品        call n.付款要求(通知书)call a loan. 讨还借债<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>cadre n.干部    canvasser n.挨户推销商品的推销员canvass彻底检查 拉票或拉生意, <p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>canvass vi.拉选票(for), 游说To so`licit voters, orders, or opinions.<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>Capi`tation n.人头税;按人头收费;按人计算         casher n.出纳员 <p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>circulate v.循环;流通;流传circulation n.循环;流传;流通;报刊等的发行量<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>clause n.(合同)条款 clearance n.甩卖;调节贷款;交换票据等<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>competitor n.竞争者con`glomerate n.联合大企业 con`soli`dation n.企业合并 <p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>con`sumerism n.保护消费者利益主义;用户至上主义, 商品的消费和销售性服务<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>consumption n.消耗,消费containerization n.集装箱化,货柜运输,To package (cargo) in large standardized containers for efficient shipping and handling. :为高效率的运输和装卸contract in  承包To acquire or incur:取得或招致:contract obligations; contract a serious illness.蒙受恩情;染上重病contract,The bodybuilders contracted their biceps in unison. 健美运动员们一起收缩肱二头肌。 condense体积缩小密度增大:, compress the clothes把衣服压紧, constrict Tight shoes constrict the feet. 鞋子太紧会挤脚, shrink长度、尺寸、体积范围减小的收缩:mill towns have shrunk as industry has moved to the South. Shrank        contract out包出去;给人承包contractor n.承包人;承包商 contributor n.捐助人;纳税人 con`troller n.主计员;总会计师?管理员, 控制器    con`vertible a.可兑换的,可兑现的con`veyance n.(不动产等的)转让,让与;转让证书 counterfeit n./v.伪造,假冒 n.假货,伪造品(fake  n.假货, 欺骗 vt.伪造, 赝造 To perform a fake. 做假动作) counterfeits money.伪造钱币a counterfeit illness.装病pretend, assume: I assumed an air of confidence that I was far from feeling. affect, simulate, feign The child feigned a look of innocence装出无辜的表情 fake, counterfeit     counterfoil 支票存根, 票根, 存根curb vt.控制,抑制 n. 路边, 场外证券市场,场外交易High interest rates put a curb on spending.<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>debenture n.债券;(海关)退税凭单  A customhouse certificate providing for the payment of a drawback.     bank debenture金融债券bearer de`benture不记名债券<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>`debit n.借方,借项;记入借方的款项To enter (a sum) on the left-hand side of an account or accounting `ledger.记入借方:把(一笔款项)记入帐簿或分类帐的左方<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>debt n.债务,欠债  deb`tee n.债权人 debtor n.债务人;借方debt-redden n.负债累累<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>cover the `deficit 弥补亏损    de`fect  a visual defect缺陷,背叛 `blemish缺点<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>deficit financing 赤字财政deficit spending 赤字开支financial deficit 财政赤字, <p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>foreign trade deficit 对外贸易逆差de`preci`ation n.折旧;价值下降<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>depression n.萧条,不景气 discount n.折扣,折价;贴现 dishonour n./vt.拒付 <p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>disin`flation n.反通货膨胀disso`lution n.解除(契约);解散The dissolution of the empire was remarkably swift.帝国非常迅速地瓦解了dis`train n.为抵债而扣押To `levy a distress.扣押财物`dividend n.股利,股息,红利 docking n.扣工资,入坞<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>dole n.失业救济  on the dole领取固定救济的down payment n.预付定金;分期付款<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face=宋体>drawback n.收回税款,退税em`bezzle vt 贪污,盗用;挪用(公款、公物等)<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-19 13:10 | 显示全部楼层
<P 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center><B>口译考试中听力要注意的词组<p></p></B></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">说明:由于高级口译考试中有一部分是听力选择题,其中部分片段是生活场景, 因此在此列出生活场景听力中要注意的一些词组供各位学员参考<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">1,a change of pace 节奏变换<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">You can’ do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace.<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">2, a far cry from 相距甚远  The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">3, and how 的确  A: She’s a good dancer. B: and how. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">4, a matter of time 时间问题   It is only a matter of time. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">5, a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">6, a while back 不久以前 <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">7,all along 一直  I knew it all along. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">8, anything but 绝对不  I was anything but happy about going. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">9, account for 解释  How do you account for it? <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">10, after all 到底<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine,<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">11, allergic to 对|……过敏<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">12, at sb’s service 愿为某人服务  I am at your service at any time. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">13, around the clock 24小时不停  Martha studied around the clock for management exam. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">14, as far as I know 就我所知 <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">15,at home with 对…..很熟悉  She is at home with problems like this. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">16, back out<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">1) 退出A: Wasn’t Bert supposed to sing tonight? B: Yes, but he backed out at last minute<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">2)不履行 She finally backed out of her promise. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">17, be cut out for 天生适合  I’m not cut out to be a hero. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">18, be absorbed in  She has been absorbed in a horror fiction. I can’t tear her away. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">19, be addicted to 对……上瘾 She has been addicted to drugs for years. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">20,be attached to 对……有感情<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">A: I’m amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would have <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">gotten rid of it years ago. B: It runs well and I’ve actually been quite attached to it. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">21, back up<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">1) 累积 The subway is running behind schedule, and traffic is backed up for blocks. I don’t know if we’ll make the 6:30 show.<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">2) 支持  I’ll back it up. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">22, be bound for 到……地方  The bus is bound for New England. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">23, be (feel) myself 找到自我  I’m feeling myself again. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">24, be burned up 生气  She was really burned up at the news. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">25, be hard up for  I’m hard up for clothes, but I have a lot of books. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">26, be head and shoulders above 好许多In calculus, Joe is head and shoulders above his classmates. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">27,be in the dark 蒙在鼓里<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">A: Do you have any idea what his notice is about?<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">B: I’m as in the dark as you are. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">28,be stuck 卡住了  I can’t get this window open. It’s stuck. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">29, bite off more than one can chew. 贪多嚼不烂<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">A: I hear you’re taking an advanced physics course this semester.<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">B: I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">30, break new ground 有了新的突破  His architectural design broke new ground in the field. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">31,benefit concert 慈善音乐会We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert, but we don’ have much money for advertising. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">32, busy signal 占线<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">I’ve been calling David for the past half hour, but I keep getting a busy signal. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">33,between you and me 你我之间,保密 <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">34,call for  A,打电话找  Tom just called for you.<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">B,预报  The forecast calls for heavy rain again tonight. Aren’t you glad we’ll be getting away from this for a week?<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">C,问  It’s probably in the new part of town. We’ll have to call for directions. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">35, call it a day 就此结束<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">A: I’ really glad our club decides to raise money for the children’ hospital, and most of the people we’ve phoned seemed happy to contribute.<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">B: Yeah, I agree. Now we’ve gone through all the numbers on our list now, so I guess we can call it a day. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">36,cash the check 兑现支票  Have your sister cashed her paycheck? <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">37,clear off 收拾,整理   It’s about time we clear off the desk. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">38,come down (雨,雪)下起来  The heavy rain is coming down, now. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">39, come in first in the race 比赛第一名<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">Not only did Jill come in first in the race but she also had her best running time of the season. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">40,come what may 不管怎样  We’ll pick you up tomorrow at eight, come what may. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">41,cost somebody an arm and a leg<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">A: Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda?<p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">B: I sure did. It must have cost him an arm and a leg. <p></p></P><P 0cm 0cm 0pt">42, cut it out 闭嘴  I told you to cut it out. <p></p></P>

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