Space Evolution of Xiaoshao Canal Culture: Taking Xixing Ancient Town in Qiantang as An Example
摘 要 该文通过对西兴风土街区的初步研究,揭示出萧绍聚落地脉结构和风土特征的特定历史价值。目前,京杭大运河周边的聚落文化已逐渐受到重视,而萧绍运河作为杭州南部漕运孔道和重要近海商道,历史上曾对周边聚落产生过巨大影响,所以研究萧绍运河文化与聚落空间特征的关系,将为浙东城市历史街区的保护与发展带来新的视角与机遇。
关键词 驿道 萧绍运河 西兴
Abstract Through pilot study on the Xixing Historic District, this article reveals the special historic value of the geographical structure and climate feature of Xiaoshao Settlement. Presently, the culture of settlements around the Grant Canal has got recognition gradually. Xiaoshao Canal, as an important canal transport channel and inshore commercial channel in the south of Hangzhou, used to have great influence on the settlements around, so the research on the relation between Xiaoshao Canal culture and settlements space feature will bring new perspective and opportunities of the protection and development of historic districts in the east of Zhejiang Province.
Key Words Post road, Xiaoshao Canal, Xixing